HipHop Robot

Minifigurka vid014 byla poprvé vydána v roce 2021. V současné době je součástí 1 stavebnice, kterou je LEGO Vidiyo 43107 HipHop Robot BeatBox. Aktuálně má hodnotu kolem 125 Kč jako nová minifigurka, 95 Kč pak jako použitá.

Rok vydání 2021
125 Kč nová
95 Kč použitá

Minifigurka se se skládá z 7 dílků

Zobrazit vše
Bar 1L with Clip [Cut Edges and One Side Hole] [Gap in Clip]
Arm Mechanical with Clip [Thick Support]
Minifig Neckwear Backplate with 4 Bars
Hair with Visor, Equaliser and Black Hair Print
Minifig Head Hiphop Robot, Yellow Eyes, Metal Plates, Open Mouth with Clenched Teeth Print
Legs and Hips with Gold Belt and Circuitry Print
Torso Jacket, USB Cable, Necklace with Music Note Print, Pearl Gold Arms with Cuffs and Circuitry Print, Flat Silver Hands

Minifigurka se nachází 1 stavebnici

Zobrazit vše
Bar 1L with Clip [Cut Edges and One Side Hole] [Gap in Clip]
48729b - 2x
Arm Mechanical with Clip [Thick Support]
Flat Silver
98313 - 2x
Minifig Neckwear Backplate with 4 Bars
36452 - 1x
Hair with Visor, Equaliser and Black Hair Print
72250pr0001 - 1x
Minifig Head Hiphop Robot, Yellow Eyes, Metal Plates, Open Mouth with Clenched Teeth Print
Flat Silver
3626cpr3389 - 1x
Legs and Hips with Gold Belt and Circuitry Print
970c00pr2035 - 1x
Torso Jacket, USB Cable, Necklace with Music Note Print, Pearl Gold Arms with Cuffs and Circuitry Print, Flat Silver Hands
Pearl Gold
973c21h30pr5485 - 1x